raloria - Screencapping Goddess (raloria) wrote,
raloria - Screencapping Goddess

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Birthday Icons!

As per my earlier poll on this subject, I'm going to try to make an icon for everyone for their birthday.

You'll note that I've put your usernames on them. This is to ensure that these icons are strictly for your use only and unique icons just for you. I tried to make them as light as possible as to not detract from the pretty. ;)

Happy Birthday wishes this May 25th to enablelove, on May 26th to nandapadalecki, & on May 27th to mymuseandi! *hugs* :D

Btw, if anyone wants to leave comments telling me what they'd like their icon to be (Sam, Dean, Jensen, Jared, Misha, Castiel, Impala, etc) it would be most helpful! :D

Tags: birthdays, flist exclusive

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